Laboratory and differential diagnosis of rubella in children and adults

Rubella can be diagnosed based on the identification of characteristic symptoms and epidemiological data (during the epidemic of the disease). In the absence of proper epidemiological data, it is not possible to make a diagnosis based only on the clinical manifestations of the disease, therefore, additional research methods are used to confirm it.
Additional virological and serological methods have been developed. However, only the latter is used in practice due to the fact that the implementation of virological research is not justified either economically or temporally.
The serological method is used to confirm the diagnosis, using the complement binding reaction and the hemagglutination inhibition reaction. An increase in the antibody titer by 4 or more times is called seroconversion and indicates the presence of a disease.
Blood test for rubella antibodies
Recently, not only serological research methods have been used to diagnose rubella, but also a blood test for antibodies of various classes to rubella. This method of research is especially often used in pregnant women, since the level of certain classes of antibodies in the blood determines the further tactics of pregnancy management.
Thus, IgM and IgG class antibodies are distinguished in the blood of sick people or people who have previously had rubella. The detection of IgM antibodies in the blood indicates that the infection has occurred recently, therefore, when determining these antibodies, pregnant women in the first trimester are terminated, and with pregnant women who are at a later date, the possibility of further continuation of carrying the fetus is discussed.
The determination of IgG in a small titer allows pregnancy to continue, and only very high titers of antibodies of this class (which indicate a previous infection) are indications for termination of pregnancy in the first trimester.
Differential diagnosis of rubella
Differential diagnosis is carried out with infectious diseases that occur with a rash, primarily measles and ECHO exanthema. In some cases, the disease has to be differentiated from infectious mononucleosis.
Among non-communicable diseases, rubella often has to be differentiated from allergic rashes of various, including medicinal, nature. This is especially true in cases where rubella occurs without severe intoxication syndrome and lymphadenopathy with normal body temperature. You will definitely like it porn of various genres!